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Promoting a work-life balance

- Wits University

Staff Wellness Week kicked off on Monday with the focus of promoting health, nutrition and fitness among Wits staff members.

A Wits staff takes an eye test


Wits staff are taking the opportunity this week to be more proactive when it comes to managing their health.

Staff Wellness Week kicked off on Monday and the focus is on empowering the more than 5000 Wits employees with vital information relating to health, nutrition, fitness and lifestyle.

The Human Resources Department has partnered with Discovery Health, Wits Sport and the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology to deliver a comprehensive wellness programme.

Dr Kgomotso Kasonkola, Senior Director: Wits Human Resources believes in walking the talk and was among the first 100 to have their health assessed at the Wits Squash Court.

“Regular health assessments are essential in maintaining optimal health, and for the prevention and management of chronic illnesses,” he says.

Muhammed Vally, a lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology is passionate about educating people about the effect of one’s lifestyle on preventing and managing chronic illnesses.

A good example is diabetes, he says. 

“The Diabetes Prevention Programme illustrated that, in pre-diabetic patients, lifestyle modification (with a strict diet and exercise regimen that is followed properly) was 58% more likely than the placebo to prevent the progression to diabetes over a four year period.

Such awareness can save lives, money and even prevent the use of pharmacotherapy in some patients. I think the message I would like to get through to people is that, ultimately, medicines are only one form of control in these diseases.

Lifestyle has to be a part of the management to prevent further complications. It has become too commonplace for people to want medicines and not look at their own lifestyle when it comes to preventing diseases, and even prevent complications of chronic diseases like heart attacks and strokes,” he says.

A highlight of Staff Wellness Week is the Staff Wellness Friday Fun Day, which presents an opportunity to test your fitness and finesse against colleagues from different departments in a variety of activities. 

There is great anticipation and excitement on campus ahead of this day! The starting line-up for the various sport codes will be available soon.

More information about Staff Wellness Week is available on the Wits Campus Health and Wellness page.

Quotes of the Week

“The greatest wealth is health.”  Unknown

“Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”  Edward Stanley
